Constipation has emerged as one of the most familiar health concerns these days. Almost every household is seen with one patient as a survivor of constipation and the leading cause happens to be today’s inevitable lifestyle choices- eating habits, inactivity and stress. Constipation causes bloating and dissatisfaction with the ineptitude to pass stool efficiently. Constipation, whether mild or extreme, is a severe issue for numerous individuals. Even a single day without entire bowel movement can be very troublesome and occasionally painful too. A balanced diet and exercising regularly promote bowel movement regularly.
Constipation is considered the root cause of many serious diseases. In Ayurveda it is believed if your stomach is healthy, no disease can affect you. So, keeping your stomach healthy is very important. Constipation if not treated timely gives birth to a serious disease like Piles. It also causes acne, acidity, ulcers in the mouth, disturbed sleep, and heartburn. Ayurvedic treatment for Constipation treats a body within and detoxifies it.
Out of so many remedies available in today’s world, Triphala in Ayurveda happens to be the most effective for treating constipation. It is responsible for curing constipation and stimulating digestive ease. It is a fruit that aids in alleviating pain and relieving bowel movements. You can consume this in the form of tea by ingesting one-fourth teaspoon of Triphala and half a teaspoon of coriander seeds as well as cardamom seeds. All you need to do then is grind them all together and drink this tea twice every day. This fruit has glycoside, which has laxative effects and helps facilitate indigestion and constipation.
Senna is an efficacious ayurvedic herb that aids in stimulating bowel movement and offers relief to constipation in 6 to 12 hours. Senna is also a secure alternative for kids and adults both. You need to take a suitable dose for a week, and it will assist with constipation. If constipation is a recurring issue for you, then senna is not recommended because it cannot help with boosting regular bowel movements.
Vata Dosha Diet
This hack concerns altering the diet. You can prevent constipation by modifying your eating practices and the food you take in. It is absolutely necessary to stay away from dried fruits, cold foods and drinks, salads, and most beans.
You should consume warm foods, drinks, and properly cooked vegetables to prevent constipation. Incorporate healthy and green vegetables in your diet as they will help in offering the proper nutrients to your body.
Milk & Ghee
Milk and ghee are two food items that can help in easing constipation and also makes your digestive system robust. You require a bit of ghee (two teaspoons) and add it to warm milk each night before sleeping. Drink this to reduce constipation and deal with indigestion. It also helps in getting rid of all the waste materials and toxins in the body.
Roasted Fennel
One tablespoon of roasted fennel in a glass of warm water will act as a highly effective laxative for your body. There are essential oils present in the fennel seeds which can aid im digestion and also stimulate the production of good gastric enzymes. Consuming this each night before sleeping will ease your symptoms and disruptions manifolds.
Anjeer is among the leading constipation relievers. Soak it in slightly warm water and grab a few pieces each day. Given that youngsters have a fondness for anjeer and that it tastes sweet as well, this is one of the best options for them. Because figs include a high fibre content, they aid in better bowel movement and digestion.
Liquorice Root
An excellent plant for helping with constipation is liquorice root. You must mix one teaspoon powdered licorice root with one teaspoon jaggery. Warm water is preferable since it works better with it.
You may continue by having one glass of liquorice root water each day, which will aid in improving digestion and encouraging bowel movement. Because it may vary from body to body, make sure to speak with your doctor before ingesting this.
Prunes & Raisins
Possessing a lot fiber and minerals, raisins are an effortlessly available snack and among nature’s most powerful remedies. A few raisins soaked in water overnight can be eaten as soon as you get up in the morning.
They contain natural sugars that have laxative properties. For newborns, it’s a great treatment that you may use with solid meals. Give entire prunes to older children only; they will not be able to eat them readily. Before feeding, soak it overnight and thoroughly mash it.
China grass
One useful treatment that might help relieve constipation right away is china grass. Dried seaweed with ingredients that help ease constipation symptoms is called china grass or agar agar. To transform it into a gelatinous material, you must chop it into little pieces and simmer it with the milk. After that, you may eat it by mixing it with other foods.
To summarize, accepting Ayurvedic remedies for constipation provides a comprehensive and time-tested approach to intestinal health. The synergistic combination of Triphala, castor oil, ajwain, and other natural ingredients targets the underlying causes of constipation, creating internal equilibrium.
By implementing these Ayurvedic practices for constipation, people can have access to ancient wisdom that feeds the digestive tract, promoting regular bowel motions and general vigour. To achieve long-term comfort and harmonious well-being, incorporate Ayurvedic therapies for constipation into your daily routine. Believe in the power of Ayurveda for digestive relief and a more lively, healthy existence.